If you are completely new to Sanskrit and cannot understand Simple Standard Sanskrit, or do not currently speak any Sanskrit, this course is where you need to begin. This course eventually leads up to Pravesha where the grammar is explained in greater detail (for which you will be sent details when you’ve completed this course).
Syllabus covered:
1. bhavataḥ nāma, bhavatyāḥ nāma, mama nāma..
2. saḥ, sā, tat, eṣaḥ, eṣā, etat
3. vastuparicayaḥ (nityopayogāni vastūni)
4. ām, na, vā, asti, nāsti
5. atra, tatra, kutra, anyatra, sarvatra
6. aham, bhavān, bhavatī
7. vibhakti paricayaḥ
8. kriyāpadāni – laṭ, loṭ,
9. bahuvacanam
10. āvaśyakam, māstu, paryāptam
11. saṅkhyā
12. samayaḥ
13. hyaḥ, adya, śvaḥ ityādi…
13. sapta-kakārāḥ
14. ṣiṣṭācāra-vākyani
15. yadā, tadā; yāvat, tāvat; yadi, tarhi; yathā, tathā; yadyapi, tathāpi; yat, tat; yataḥ, tataḥ
16. cet, no cet
17. avayavānāṃ nāmāni
18. varṇāḥ
19. kintu, niścayena, prāyaśaḥ, kila, kīdṛśa, apekṣayā, iva
20. tumun, ktvā
21. viruddhārthaka-śabdāḥ
22. rucivācakāḥ śabdāḥ
23. bandhuvācakāḥ śabdāḥ
24. kathāḥ
25. gītāni
Cost: Free
Note: This course is open only to people who live in the UK & EU.
If you already have attended the Sambhāṣaṇam course or are otherwise able to speak and understand Spoken sanskrit – please contact us and mention the details of your prior Sanskrit education and spoken skills and we will be able to suggest/place you in a different level class.